Friday, March 13, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


My years have come and
gone by fast I really will miss
being in high school. It has been fun
and I don't want it to end, but
it has to end sometime and
I have to begin the real world
I hope I am ready for it but
I think I will be.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

If I was Accused for Witchcraft

If I was accused for witchcraft I would probably be a little mad because I believe in God and the bible, but witchcraft is different it is dealing with like the evil and dealing with like the devil to me. I don't know though it would just be weird to believe in witchcraft and I would be disappointing if i was accused of doing it.

Blue Ginger

2008-2009 Cheerleaders

2008-2009 Cheerleaders

Just bein ourselves:)

Just bein ourselves:)

April, Chlo, Me

April, Chlo, Me